You Don’t Need Someone To Complete You

You don't need someone to complete you, you only need someone to accept you completely.

— Unknown

You don't need someone to complete you, you only need someone to accept you completely.

Too often people think the role of a boyfriend or girlfriend is to make them happy and complete their life. They neglect to focus on making themselves happy and rely on someone else to do so. However, the truth is, one’s happiness and sense of being a complete person is something that they are supposed to do. It’s not incumbent upon anyone else to provide you with happiness and a sense of completion. Even the bets boyfriend or girlfriend in the world cannot provide you with completion. It is through one’s complete sense of self and working on yourself, will you reach completion. The fact is, the more complete and fulfilled you are, the likelier you will be to find someone that fits with you and is a good partner. The key is to find someone that complements you, not completes you.

David Miller

Hi, I'm David Miller, a well-rounded journalist, writer, and designer who is passionate about life and the power of love. With a love for creativity and an urge to educate and entertain, I bring significant stories to life, give a unique insight through my writing, and infuse my designs with a touch of originality. My fascination with technology, cinema, TV series, and books keeps me at the forefront of contemporary events and popular culture. Additionally, I have been working as a couples and relationships counselor since 2012 and have a deep passion for helping people strengthen their relationships. I believe that life is meaningless without love and strive to spread this message through my work and personal life. In my free time, you can find me lost in a good book or engrossed in a movie, soaking up the latest creative inspiration. I am a proud resident of Greece, surrounded by my three amazing kids, and cherish every moment we get to explore and experience all the beauty this country has to offer.